Dr. 乔·阿穆尔·史密斯

Dr. 乔·阿穆尔·史密斯

Associate Professor, Interim Director of DPT 研究 and 教师 Affairs
Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences; Physical Therapy
专业知识: Trunk; Low 回来 Pain; Aging; Postural Control; Electromyography (EMG); Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS);
办公地点: Rinker Health Science Campus 224
电话: (714) 744-7924
University of London, Bachelor of Science
University of Southern California, Ph.D.


乔·阿穆尔·史密斯 conducted her doctoral research at the University of Southern California, in the Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy. 她与肌肉骨骼生物力学研究实验室的Kornelia Kulig合作,重点研究有复发性腰痛史的无症状年轻人在行走和转身时躯干姿势控制的适应性. 随后,她在南加州大学神经可塑性和成像实验室与贝丝·费舍尔一起完成了博士后研究. 她检查了老年人躯干预期姿势调整受损的神经关联, 确定运动皮质功能组织与预期姿势控制之间的关系. In 2015, 她加入了澳门威尼斯人app下载大学克林健康与行为科学学院,担任物理治疗系助理教授. 她现在, clinically-motivated research program uses a neuromechanical approach, combining biomechanics and neuroscience, 建立特定患者群体在静态和动态多平面活动中躯干姿势控制的适应机制. Prior to beginning her academic and research career, 阿玛尔·史密斯博士在英国和美国做了几年理疗师, specializing in orthopedics and dance medicine.

•躯干姿势控制的适应性对持续肌肉骨骼疼痛的反应, 老化, 技能培训
•    Mechanisms underlying altered postural control in patient populations

PT 511 and 511L Biomechanics
PT 643 L Motor Control/Motor Learning Laboratory

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

Smith JA, Tain R, Sharp KG, Glynn LM, Van Dillen LR, Henslee K, Jacobs JV, Cramer SC. Identifying the neural correlates of anticipatory postural control: a novel fMRI paradigm. 人脑图. 2023; 44 (10): 4088-4100
Soangra R, Smith JA, Rajagopal S, Yedavalli SVR, Anirudh ER. 使用脑电图信号和机器学习算法对不稳定和稳定的行走模式进行分类. 传感器. 2023; 23(13): 6005.
哈珀B,史密斯JA. 结合静态和动态干拔罐疗法改善个体腰痛局部和区域症状:一个病例系列. In press, International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy.
Shaw J, Jacobs JV, Van Dillen LR, Beneck GJ, Smith JA. 了解Biering-Sorensen测试:对有或无腰痛的年轻人伸肌耐力的影响. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2023; in press.
Bagwell J, Smith JA, Walaszek M, Runez H, Lam K, Peterson J, Katsavelis D. 在怀孕期间和怀孕后腰痛或骨盆带痛得分高和低的孕妇中,步态生物力学和肌肉激活的探索性分析. 临床生物力学. 2022; 97: 105705
Lee S-P, Farrokhi S, Kent J, Ciccotelli J, Chien L-C, Smith JA. 有和没有腰痛的下肢截肢患者的临床和生物力学特征比较:一项系统回顾和荟萃分析. 临床生物力学. 2022; 101: 105860
史密斯JA,梅斯S. 脊髓肌疲劳和心理社会因素对健康成人压痛阈的影响. Pain 研究 and Management, in press.
Rohafza M, Soangra R, Smith JA, Ignasiak NK. 自定速跑步机不能有效观察帕金森病患者的线性和非线性步态变异性结果. 步态 & 的姿势. 2022; 91: 35-41.
Smith JA, Stabbert H, Bagwell J, Teng H-L, Wade V, Lee S-P. Do people with low back pain walk differently? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2022; 11(4): 450-465.
Smith JA, Russo L, Santayana N. 一项前瞻性研究:恐惧回避预测患有腰痛的年轻人持续疼痛. Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 2021; 51(8): 383-391.
Smith JA, Eiteman-Pang, WK, Soangra R, Ignasiak NK. 适应躯干-骨盆协调变异性对疲劳运动的反应,步态 & 的姿势. 2021; 84: 1–7.
Strzelinski M, Brody L, Smith JA, Bronner S. 裸杆式测功仪稳定装置测量舞蹈特定肌肉性能的可靠性. Medical Problems of Performing Artists. 2021; 36 (1): 27–33.
Smith JA, Ignasiak NK, Jacobs JV. Task invariance and reliability of anticipatory postural adjustments in healthy young adults. 步态 & 的姿势. 2020; 76: 396-402
Shih Y, Fisher BE, Smith JA, Powers CM. 臀大肌皮质运动兴奋性与单腿落体跳时髋部生物力学有关. 运动行为杂志. 2020; doi: 10.1080/00222895.2020.1723480
Derian JM, Smith JA*, Wang Y, Lam W, Kulig K. Biomechanical characteristics of lumbar manipulation performed by expert, resident and student physical therapists. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 2020; 48: doi.org/10.1016/j.msksp.2020.102150
Bagwell JJ, Reynolds N, Walaszek M, Runez H, Lam K, Smith JA, Katsavelis D. 与未生育的女性相比,怀孕期间和怀孕后的下肢动力学和步态中的肌肉激活显着不同. 步态 & 的姿势. 2020; 81: 33-40.
Lee S-P, Dinglasan V, Duong A, Totten R, Smith JA. 复发性腰痛患者在肌内细丝电极插入后,脊柱旁肌肉力量发生显著变化. PM&R. 2019; doi: 10.1002 / pmrj.12284
Rowley KM, Smith JA, Kulig K. 复发性腰痛患者的躯干耦合减少与在平衡-灵巧任务中躯干深肌-浅肌激活比增加有关. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 2019; 49(12): 887-898.
Lee S-P, Bailey JP*, Smith JA, Barton S*, Brown D*, Joyce T. 穿着极简跑鞋进行为期四周的跑步训练后腰部生物力学的适应:对跑步相关腰痛的影响. 运动中的物理治疗. 2018; 29: 101-107.
Lee S-P, Smith JA, Kimber M, Houk K. 在高强度的脊柱伸展活动中,将细丝肌内电极插入腰椎棘旁肌并不影响肌肉的表现和激活. PM&R. 2018; 10(11): 1192-1197. doi: 10.1016/ j.pmrj.2018.05.00.
Smith JA, Hawkins A, Beuttler R, Grant-Beuttler M, Lee S-P. 与高尔夫球手腰痛相关的风险因素:一项系统回顾和荟萃分析. 体育健康. 2018; doi.org/10.1177/1941738118795425.
史密斯先生,费雪先生. 预期姿势调整和运动皮层的空间组织——健康老年人适应性补偿的证据. 神经生理学杂志. 2018; 120: 2796-2805.
Smith JA, Albishi A, Babikian S, Asavasopon S, Fisher BE, Kutch J. The motor cortical representation of a muscle is not homogeneous in brain connectivity. Exp Brain Res 2017 Jun 19: doi: 10.1007/s00221-017-5011-7. [印前Epub]
Smith JA, Gordon J, Kulig K. 注意力分散对行走转身的影响:对有或无腰痛史的年轻成人步态控制的影响. 步态和姿势. 2017; 58:498-503.
Lee SP, Bailey JP, Smith JA, Barton S, Brown D, Joyce T. 穿着极简跑鞋进行为期四周的跑步训练后腰部生物力学的适应:对跑步相关腰痛的影响. Phys Ther Sport 2016 Dec 2: doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2016.11.004. [印前Epub]
Smith JA, Kulig K. 转身时躯干-骨盆协调:有和没有腰痛史的年轻人的横断面研究. Clin Biomech 2016; 36: 58-64.
Fisher BE, Piraino A, Lee YY, Smith JA, Johnson S, Davenport TE, Kulig K. 关节活动速度对有踝关节扭伤史的个体皮质脊髓兴奋性的影响. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016: 46 (7): 562-570.
O’Donnell M, Smith JA, Abzug A, Kulig K. How should we teach lumbar manipulation? 共识研究. Man Ther 2016; 25: 1-10.
Smith JA, Kulig K. 有腰痛史的年轻无症状个体行走时多裂肌恢复的改变. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016; 46 (50): 356-374.
Smith JA, Kulig K. 肌内肌电图电极的插入是否会改变运动过程中的运动行为? J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2015; 25: 431-437.
Sutton-Traina K, Smith JA, Jarvis DN, Kulig K. Exploring active and passive contributors to turnout in dancers and non-dancers. 医学问题表演艺术. 2015; June: 78-83.
Smith JA, Popovich JM Jr, Kulig K. The influence of hip strength on lower limb, pelvis and trunk kinematics during walking and hopping in healthy women. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2014; 44 (7): 525-531.
Jarvis DN, Smith JA, Kulig K. Trunk coordination in dancers and non-dancers. J Appl Biomech 2014; 30 (4): 547-554.
Smith JA, Tuchman A, Huoh M, Kaiser AM, Schooler W, Hsieh PC. Locomotor biomechanics after total sacrectomy. Spine 2014; 39 (24): E1481-E1487.